Never in Mac Flannery's wildest dreams did he imagine Jenny would be the one sent for him. He sees beyond the mad grin the sexy princess of Hansarda presents to the world, and that combination of vulnerability and wicked humor is a siren call he can't resist.
But Sanctify is always three steps ahead of them. On the run — and unable to keep their hands off each other — Jenny and Mac devise an insane plan: kidnap the leader of Sanctify, and stop this war once and for all. Unfortunately, they've just played right into his hands...
Jenny needs a break from her family and it comes in the shape of Mac. Instead of what should be a simple job, they end up on the run from Sanctify with their lives at risk at every step. The insta-attraction between the two doesn't help matters.
I really enjoyed the first two stories in this series and this one was no different. Jenny is Boone's little sister and Mac works for Gerard inventing gadgets for use in the war against Sanctify - I don't remember meeting Mac before and it seems Jenny may have been in Queen of Swords (it's been a while since I read it, sorry).
I liked Jenny a lot - she had a shit life growing up and now her twisted brother is dead, she wants to enjoy herself. She's total badass, can hold her own and isn't afraid to stand up to Ophelia (who I don't remember being as bitchy in her book, but like I said it's been a while since I read it so I may be wrong). Mac was fun but I didn't like him as much as Jenny - for me, this was really her book with him as a bit part.
Since my reading of The High Priestess, I've read a lot more by Katee Robert and she's fast becoming one of my favourite authors and one who I constantly check on for new releases. For this reason, I will probably always highly recommend all her books to any of my readers.
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