Sunday, 19 April 2015

Deception by D.B Reynolds

Kauai, Hawaii — tropical paradise, vibrant jungle, turquoise sea ... and sensuous nights that hide vampires so powerful they can change the world.

Raphael — powerful, extraordinary, arrogant. He's been eliminating rivals and gathering allies, determined not just to survive, but to demolish the Europeans who think they can steal what he's worked for centuries to create. In a final bid to avert a war that seems inevitable, Raphael agrees to meet an enemy he knows of old. She is formidable, wily, and not to be trusted. But in his arrogance, Raphael believes he can foil whatever treachery she has brewing.

Cynthia Leighton — Raphael's human mate, beautiful, smart, and deadly when threatened. She doesn't trust anyone, much less a powerful vampire claiming to want peace. So while Raphael prepares to negotiate a treaty, Cyn is preparing for the inevitable double-cross that she knows is coming. Raphael worries about saving thousands of vampire lives. She only cares about one, and she will do anything to keep him alive and in her arms.

When Cyn is proven right, when it all falls apart and Raphael's enemies draw on ancient magic to trap him, taking him away from Cyn and out of the war, it all falls to her — to find Raphael, to save the thousands of vampires who will die if she doesn't succeed ... and to kill every single being, human or vampire, who gets in her way.

In previous reviews, I've made no secret of the fact that Cyn and Raphael aren't my favourite couple to read about in this series. However the story in this one was so good that I forgot that fact whilst reading.

This is the start of the war that's been threatening for the last few books and it was certainly a doozy of a beginning. The Europeans first order of business is kidnapping and weakening Raphael so one of them can challenge his Lord ....ship(?) of his region, knowing that it will end in a default with Raphael being incapacitated.

With Raphael being laid low for the majority of the book, the action was actually on the down low. The main story focuses on Cyn doing her best and using all her resources to find and free Raphael - she's doing it for selfish reasons but it'll also save lives.

I have to say that, as much as Cyn manages and the actual work she pulls off, she came across as a bit pathetic in this book - it really didn't up my feelings for her. She was grieving for her mate as if he were dead, but all the while she was certain he was alive and that she'd know if he was dead. I just felt a bit "bleh" reading the scenes with just her and her thoughts and feelings.

But that doesn't affect how much I like this series and I will continue to read it because there are other characters that I love. I'm hoping Elke gets her own story soon, as well as more from Juno.

Oh, I'd also like to read more Robbie, and possibly even something from Ken-Ichi. You know what? I'd be happy with more words in general.

Book Depository: Deception
Amazon UK: Deception

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Country vs Country - Kitty Norville

Julie-Anne: This is one I already know the US is my favourite. There's a reason I bought mine form instead of UK - I do not like the UK covers! I don't exactly know why, maybe it's her face? Or how there's 2 different typefaces for the title and a 3rd for author name.
Danielle: I didn't mind the US cover, but I actually like the UK better. Though I will admit the change in fonts is troublesome. They could have at least had the author's name in the same font as "And The Midnight Hour". I like the colours, and the background on the UK better than on the US. The US cover looks like it could be in Kim Harrison's Rachel Morgan series. This book could be "Rachel and the Midnight Hour". Though I don't remember Kitty being a blonde. I'll admit, I only read the first 1 and ¾ books.

J: I like that UK has a clue to Washington (never been so I honestly don't know what building that is but it looks kinda parliamentary). I like how the US kept to the theme of the radio show. US again.
D: I think that building is the United States Capitol. Definitely parliamentary. I also like the nod to Washington in the UK cover. I don't like the red wash over the US cover, and Again, this could be "Rachel Goes To Washington". I'm picking UK again.

J: Not much I can continue to say here, still not a fan of the UK covers. I like the wolf in the US one, although I'm not a fan of the model's pose. US still wins though.
D: I am picking UK here again. The US cover is too much yellow-y orange for me, and the wolf just looks like it was added as an afterthought. At least the US cover doesn't look like a Rachel Morgan book as much here.

J: I like the darkness of the US cover and I like that the wolf is still there. US again.
D: Aaaaand back to "Rachel and the Silver Bullet". Not a fan. I do like that a wolf is in there, but again, it looks to me like an add in. The UK cover is a bit strange for me, and holy side-boob, but I still choose UK here.

J: UK cover is slightly better, at least she's not staring full on into the camera. I have read this one (still got some catching up to do) but I haven't read it in a while and I cannot think of the significance of the tiger right now - I need to re-read soon. Even though yellow isn't my favourite colour, I still prefer the US cover.
D: That is a loooooot of yellow. I have not read this book (as I said, I stopped part-way through book 2), so I don't know if Vegas in the background has something to do with the book or not. I'm assuming it does. Maybe that's what the tiger is about on the US? There are tigers at the Mirage.

J: Is it my imagination or as that tattoo on her back gotten bigger since the last cover? Still much prefer the US over the UK, though the UK are getting nicer.
D: The US looks like they can't decide what colour of hair Kitty should have. It looked dark in the beginning, then reddish, then blonde, now it looks back to reddish brown. I also agree about the tattoo. It looks like it's changed some in every cover it's showing. Maybe that's the UK's way of having a wolf on the cover? I don't remember if she has a tattoo or not. I honestly don't really care for either cover, but I'll pick UK, as I'm not a fan of how the US is put together.

J: I love the colour of the US cover as well as her top. I still don't understand why the UK cover needs so many different typefaces. US wins again.
D: I agree. I like the format and consistency of the typeface on the US, but I like the font in the UK "Kitty" better. I think I'll stick with UK here, since I still feel like the US has been cut and pasted together.

J: Again, not a fan of the yellow but I like that there seems to be a pack on the US cover now. Also, am I seeing things or could this possibly be the same cover model? US again.
D: I think you're right. She definitely looks like she could be the same model. The nose looks the same. I'm picking UK again, mostly because I think having Kitty wear a camo top on the "Goes to War" cover is over-the-top cheese.

J: This time I'm loving the colour in the UK one and I've only just clicked that the title colour matches the background on the cover. As much as I hate the different typefaces, I think I'll pick UK this time. Not just because of the colour but I don't like the US model's face in this one.
D: Agreed. Her face looks weird. She looks a little like a misshapen Tara Reid. No thanks. It's funny how the UK cover has her wearing a nice top/dress/whatever it is, and the US cover has her in an old holey t-shirt. UK for me.

J: I've seen a lot of books with "first time in print" on the cover, why do publishing companies feel the need to put this on their books? Isn't all that info usually in the inside? I don't need it on my covers. I haven't read this one but I guess they're in London, that looks like Big Ben on the US cover - which gets my vote again.
D: "Rachel Morgan Steals the Show". Only Rachel is blonde and in London. Meh. Is that still London behind her on the UK cover? I thought it was Washington again, but the US cover definitely has Big Ben on it. I still choose UK, though I wish she had Big Ben, as I recognize it better.
J: I don't have a clue what the building is on the UK cover, but it does look like Washington again.

J: Yay, the covers are the same now!! I won't need to buy from anymore (and pay the massive international delivery charge). And thank god they stuck with the US covers since they're the ones I own and the ones I prefer.
D: I'm really just not in love with the US covers for the series at all. I do like that her face is more in shadow, so it leaves a little more to the imagination. I choose UK here though. Wait...

J: Not read this one so I don't get the lion. Now I know I don't need to pay international delivery, I really need to get caught up on this series, I need to know the reason about the lion.
D: I do like the lion here. She's really pretty. And what is with the "First time in print" nonsense? Were these previously available in ebook only, or online only or something?
J: As far as I know these all come out in actual book form immediately which is why I don't understand the "First time in print".

J: First cover without Kitty on it but it's still a fan favourite, Cormac. I kinda like this guy for Cormac, he reminds me of someone famous but I can't think who. I'm assuming that's Kitty in the background?
D: He does totally look like someone! It's going to bug me now. I take it this book isn't actually about Kitty? The dude is cute though.
J: Yeah, this book is actually about Cormac as the main character. Although I'm assuming Kitty will still be in it in some form.

J: The last book in the series and, sadly, a bit of a lacklustre cover for it. I mean, it's good that Kitty has a pack surrounding her but she kind of fades away on the cover between the huge title and moon.
D: I also felt she was overpowered by her surroundings. She looks really small and insignificant. I'm sure it was meant that way, but still.

Julie-Anne: I love this series and the only reason I'm behind is purely the fact I have to get my covers from overseas. There's a few series I have that problem with. But I did love this one and I really need to re-read and catch up.
Danielle: This was a series I started, and then stopped partway through a book. I don't remember why, but I honestly think one of the earlier Ward books came out (I'm thinking Z's book, actually) and I couldn't wait to read it. I kind of wish I hadn't stopped, but at the same time, I think they just didn't grab me like they should have. I think I left book 2 (or possibly book 3) with less than 50 pages to the end. I also let someone borrow the next book in the series, and I never got it back. Another reason I didn't finish. I'm not sure if this is one I'll ever try again with or not.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Fighting for Keeps by Seleste deLaney - Review and Giveaway

Since her partner's death, Jodi Israel has been perfectly happy playing Q to everyone else's Bond. Electronics and machines are safer - and they are a lot easier to deal with. Unfortunately, she's stuck with TRAIT's newest recruit, an infuriating, arrogant alpha-male who plays by his own rules ... and is hot enough to send electric voltage through all of Jodi's circuitry.

Finn Danby heeds his instincts, even though it's cost him his job on more than one occasion. The moment he sees Jodi's fiery hair and uncanny engineering abilities, Finn's instinct takes over ... and it's all libido. Now they're working together to protect the unstable daughter of a high-profile politician - and the sparks are flying. Both in and out of the bedroom. But when all hell breaks loose, Jodi and Finn just may find themselves alone ... and unemployed.

Release Date 21st April 2015

Love this series but how weird must it be to work at TRAIT knowing that all your co-workers are hooking up and becoming couples? I mean what are the chances that so many people within the same company partner up with their actual partners? This is not a complaint! I still love the series and can't wait to read more, I kinda want Marron to get his sexy on.

Anyway, back to this book. Finn comes across as a bit of a douche but eventually proves to Jodi that he can work as part of a team - although he's still a bit of a douche, just a douche-y team player. Jodi tries to break up the partnership at the beginning because she's happy enough working on gadgets and is still upset by what happened to her last partner. We also discover exactly how secret the secret agency really is and the work that it takes to keep it that way.

I really enjoy this series and the world and characters deLaney is building and I'm definitely looking forward to more.

Amazon UK: Fighting for Keeps
Amazon US: Fighting for Keeps
Amazon Ca: Fighting for Keeps
Amazon AU: Fighting for Keeps
Barnes & Noble: Fighting for Keeps
Kobo: Fighting for Keeps
iTunes: Fighting for Keeps
All Romance: Fighting for Keeps

To celebrate the new book, I had wanted to giveaway the entire series but it's only available in ebook form which is hard to do so I'll give a giftcard to the amount of the three books in whatever format you read them in and for whatever country you live in. So, an Amazon GC if you want Kindle or a Nook GC if you want Nook etc.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Spell Weaver by Angela Addams - Review and Giveaway

Colouring outside the lines can sting like hell...

Shot by a Huntress, his wolf trapped within him, Dyami Storm is battling a poison that is eating him alive. His only hope is finding his mate, but without his wolf to guide him, he doesn't know where to look.

The second the sexy bad boy stumbles into her tattoo shop, smelling of booze and oozing attitude, Summer Sinclair knows he's trouble. She should turn him away, but a strange magnetic pull compels her to help him out with a little ink.

When Summer's boyfriend walks through the door, Dyami senses he's in the presence of a Hunter, and the Hunter recognises him as a wolf. With hackles raised, a weapon coming at him, Dyami's only choice snaps into place. Bite Summer, marking her as his — and unleashing her powers as a Spell Weaver.

On the run from Hunters and losing his fight against the poison, Dyami is in a race against time to convince Summer her power could change the course of the war ... and that his fate is in her hands.

I've liked Dyami since the beginning, quite possibly because he's the drummer .....

Anyway, this is his story and his chance to finally get rid of the poison in his system. The one thing I didn't believe was that Summer tattooed him while he was obviously drunk, not many artists would do that.

Summer's Hunter mate is a bit of a douche so I was happy this story was from the wolf POV and I didn't have to put up with him too much. Dyami and Summer's story is a bit different from the other wolves due to his poisoned state.

I like this series, the stories are nice and quick to read and quite enjoyable. Definitely looking forward to more.

Amazon UK: Spell-Weaver Spell Weaver Spell Weaver Spell Weaver
Nook UK: Spell Weaver
Barnes & Noble: Spell Weaver
Kobo: Spell Weaver
iTunes: Spell Weaver
Samhain Publishing: Spell Weaver

Every day is Halloween for author Angela Addams. Enthralled by the paranormal at an early age, Angela spends most of her time thinking up new story ideas that involve supernatural creatures in everyday situations. She believes that the written word is an amazing tool for crafting the most erotic of scenarios.

She is an avid tattoo collector, a total book hoarder and loves anything covered in chocolate…except for bugs.

She lives in Ontario, Canada in an old, creaky house, with her husband and children.

Angela is also giving away a signed copy of Wolves' Bane, a limited edition Order of the Wolf keyring and a signed Cursed bookmark. It is only open to Canadian and US addresses (which sadly means I can't enter - I want that keyring!)

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Country vs Country - Harper Connelly

Julie-Anne: The UK cover is very plain and boring but the US cover is a bit messy looking (and very pink). I do prefer the UK one though so it wins.
Danielle: I was never a fan of the US covers for this series. They kind of looked like someone put them together for a middle school art project. And while I do enjoy the colour pink, this is ... a lot of pink. Not a fan. I don't love the UK cover either, as the close up of the skin is a bit much, but I do prefer this over the US.
J: Yes! The art style is very immature looking.
D: It really is. I remember passing this book up several times just because of the cover. Chris actually bought me the first one when it was in a sale bin. He just saw Harris's name, and assumed I'd like it. It took me a while to actually start reading it even after that, because the cover just turned me off so much. When I did finally read it, I was mad at myself for waiting so long.

J: They both have little creepy details of their own. US has the creepy skull-y jack-in-the-box but the art itself looks ... I don't know the word ... rushed? The UK has those cool little skulls in the splash detail. I do prefer the UK one though.
D: I also am picking the UK here. I don't like faces on covers (I feel like a broken record saying that), but as I said, I really don't like the US covers at all. I do find that all of Charlaine Harris's books have a childish aspect to them. (though I enjoyed the Sookie covers). I love the skulls in the snow splash in the UK cover. It's a nice little detail. Though why is there is a pale blonde girl on the cover?
J: Yeah, I don't understand that either. I don't know who she is.
D: Maybe she's the victim in the book? I can't remember well enough. It's been a lot of years since I read these.

J: The snowy cover on the US makes sense as a cover but I'm still not a fan of the art style. I think the little white splotches in the UK cover are supposed to be snow or ice. Because of my dislike of the artstyle, I'm going to choose UK as my favourite.
D: Again with the pale blonde model. Harper was a brunette, wasn't she? I know, it doesn't really matter, but I hate when books misrepresent the characters. I still prefer the UK to the US cover. Not a fan at all.
J: "Harper was a brunette, wasn't she?" As far as I was can remember.

J: Again I like the creepy factor with the US cover but I still prefer the UK one, even if it is on the boring side.
D: I actually really like the UK cover here. At least the model represents Harper better for me. I really dislike the US cover all together. I can't find a single redeeming quality.

Julie-Anne: I really loved this series and I was kind of upset that Harris decided to put all non-Sookie projects aside to focus on that series due to the popularity of True Blood (which I hate, just FYI). I'd love to read more from Harper and Tolliver.
Danielle: I also really enjoyed this series. The characters were engaging and I really liked the story between Harper and Tolliver. I was a big Tolliver fan. This was a series I would have liked to have read more of, but at the time she made the decision, I was glad. Sookie was one of my favourite series, and I was happy she was concentrating on it ... at the time. Now, I wish she'd maybe spent less time on it, and given us more of these two.
J: I am also a huge Tolliver fan. I would love to read more about him and Harper.
D: I wonder if she's ever thought about re-opening their story. I never go on her site anymore. I used to spend time there looking for Sookie updates.