Saturday 4 April 2015

Country vs Country - Harper Connelly

Julie-Anne: The UK cover is very plain and boring but the US cover is a bit messy looking (and very pink). I do prefer the UK one though so it wins.
Danielle: I was never a fan of the US covers for this series. They kind of looked like someone put them together for a middle school art project. And while I do enjoy the colour pink, this is ... a lot of pink. Not a fan. I don't love the UK cover either, as the close up of the skin is a bit much, but I do prefer this over the US.
J: Yes! The art style is very immature looking.
D: It really is. I remember passing this book up several times just because of the cover. Chris actually bought me the first one when it was in a sale bin. He just saw Harris's name, and assumed I'd like it. It took me a while to actually start reading it even after that, because the cover just turned me off so much. When I did finally read it, I was mad at myself for waiting so long.

J: They both have little creepy details of their own. US has the creepy skull-y jack-in-the-box but the art itself looks ... I don't know the word ... rushed? The UK has those cool little skulls in the splash detail. I do prefer the UK one though.
D: I also am picking the UK here. I don't like faces on covers (I feel like a broken record saying that), but as I said, I really don't like the US covers at all. I do find that all of Charlaine Harris's books have a childish aspect to them. (though I enjoyed the Sookie covers). I love the skulls in the snow splash in the UK cover. It's a nice little detail. Though why is there is a pale blonde girl on the cover?
J: Yeah, I don't understand that either. I don't know who she is.
D: Maybe she's the victim in the book? I can't remember well enough. It's been a lot of years since I read these.

J: The snowy cover on the US makes sense as a cover but I'm still not a fan of the art style. I think the little white splotches in the UK cover are supposed to be snow or ice. Because of my dislike of the artstyle, I'm going to choose UK as my favourite.
D: Again with the pale blonde model. Harper was a brunette, wasn't she? I know, it doesn't really matter, but I hate when books misrepresent the characters. I still prefer the UK to the US cover. Not a fan at all.
J: "Harper was a brunette, wasn't she?" As far as I was can remember.

J: Again I like the creepy factor with the US cover but I still prefer the UK one, even if it is on the boring side.
D: I actually really like the UK cover here. At least the model represents Harper better for me. I really dislike the US cover all together. I can't find a single redeeming quality.

Julie-Anne: I really loved this series and I was kind of upset that Harris decided to put all non-Sookie projects aside to focus on that series due to the popularity of True Blood (which I hate, just FYI). I'd love to read more from Harper and Tolliver.
Danielle: I also really enjoyed this series. The characters were engaging and I really liked the story between Harper and Tolliver. I was a big Tolliver fan. This was a series I would have liked to have read more of, but at the time she made the decision, I was glad. Sookie was one of my favourite series, and I was happy she was concentrating on it ... at the time. Now, I wish she'd maybe spent less time on it, and given us more of these two.
J: I am also a huge Tolliver fan. I would love to read more about him and Harper.
D: I wonder if she's ever thought about re-opening their story. I never go on her site anymore. I used to spend time there looking for Sookie updates.

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